Thursday, September 15, 2011


I found a bracelet at the LifeWay store that impacted my life. Now, you're saying,"How can a bracelet impact your life, it's just something that you wear on your wrist?" And to that I would say because it represents something greater than all of us, everything that we wear, and everything that we do.
So let me get to the story... Have you ever shown off a scar? Like, "Hey man, look what happened when I totally wrecked my bike, it was so sick dude." Well my bracelet represents a scar that most of us forget about. We remember the sacrifice, we remember all the drama, we remember that now we get to go to heaven, but what was the price? On my bracelet it simply says remember on a little round circle that sits on the inside of my wrist. It's asking me to remember the person, God in a human body that came from a Holy place to a place that was destined for Hell. How often do we remember that the One that came to bridge that gap, wears scars to show that He gave His life for us?
This Sunday, we will be having a special invitation in the middle of the service, yes the middle, to invite everyone to wear the scar for a week. Every time that you look down and see the mark, remember on that day, in that moment, that God gave everything for you and everyone around you. What could you do at that moment that would let someone know that He loves them too!

16"You didn't choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won't spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you." John 15:16

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